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Question: What are the most highly-rated spy novels and movies?

There are many lists available on the internet out there compiled by people who have their own criteria as to what spy/espionage novel or movie is the best. Therefore, I compiled a list of titles taken from 3 different sources (that were not generated by a publisher) and came up with the following titles that appeared on multiple lists.


 Spy/Espionage Novels

 The list starts with the only title that was on all 3 lists, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carre. The rest appeared on two out of the three:

  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carre
  • The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John le Carre
  •  Blowback by Valerie Plame
  • The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
  • The Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews
  • Gorky Park by Martin Cruz Smith
  • Intelligence by Susan Hasler
  • The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum
  • The Day of the Jackal by Fredrick Forsythe
  • The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy
  • Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett
  • The Thirty Nine Steps by John Buchan They compiled list called“The Top Spy & Espionage Books of All-Time” and used information from many sources:


 Sources for titles:


Spy/Espionage Movies

As with the titles, there were no definitive lists for the movies. The following movies made all four lists:

  • Three Days of the Condor, 1975
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, 2011
  • The Bourne Identity, 2002
  • Mission: Impossible, 1996
  • North by Northwest, 1959
  • Munich, 2005
  • From Russia with Love, 1963


 Sources for movies: