The following web sites provide lots of information about books, fiction, and the great art of reading:


Book Browser: The Guide for Avid Readers - a site dedicated to reading that offers fiction reading lists, book reviews, forthcoming titles, author information, and more.

BookSpot - BookSpot bills itself as the "book information portal of the web." The site brings book-related sites together so that you can search in one place for online texts, book reviews, reading lists and more.

Library of Congress - Our national library, the Library Of Congress makes its resources available to Congress and the American people. LOC's Center for the Book was established in 1977 to use the resources and prestige of the Library of Congress to promote books, reading, libraries and literacy.

Google Books - Google's resource for readers.

New York Times Books - provides links to the online version of the Sunday Book Review, daily news and reviews, bestseller lists, featured authors, forums/reading groups, and more. (registration required)

Project Gutenberg - The first producer of free, electronic books (ebooks).

Rhode Island Center for the Book - An affiliate of the Library of Congress Center for the Book, the RI Center for the Book is the cooperative effort of many Rhode Island readers, writers, publishers, librarians, educators and book artists.

USA Today Books - contains links to the top 150 list, a book review index, and a book excerpt index.

Washington Post Books and Reading - the online version of the Books section of the Washington Post.  



These web sites cover everything from out-of-print books to lists of books in order by author: 

Alibris - Alibris considers itself the world's leading supplier of hard-to-find and out-of-print books.

Bibliofind - search for old, used and rare books at this site.

Book Series in Order - the goal of this website is to list the series of every book in order.

What's Next - What's Next will help you find out the order in which adult fiction in a series should be read. 


Updated 10/4/2019