Below you will find a few links to get you started on your search for information on particular genres of literature.


Clean Reads

Rated Reads - Books that aren’t heavy on bad language, sex or violence.



Horror World - bills itself as the world's primary resource for horror literature. Contains links to horror news, book reviews, and more.



The Literature Network - Offers searchable online literature for the student, educator, or enthusiast. Currently includes over 300 full books, 1000 short stories and poems, and 8500 quotations.



Crimespace - A place for readers and writers of crime fiction to meet.

Gumshoe Site - Regularly updated, this site is designed to offer mystery-related new.

Stop, You're Killing Me! - This site is a resource for the lovers of mystery, intrigue and suspense books. Includes hundreds of authors, with complete, chronological lists of their books in this sub-genre.


Rhode Island Authors

Association of Rhode Island Authors (ARIA) - List and web links of Rhode Island authors.



Fresh Fiction - designed for lovers of the Paranormal Romance sub-genre.


Science Fiction

Fantasy & Science Fiction News - an online newsletter put out by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

Science Fiction and Fantasy World - News, reviews, blogs and discussion forums for Science Fiction and Fantasy books.



Western Writers of America - the official web site of the Western Writers of America, an organization that was founded in 1953 to promote the literature of the American West.


Updated 5/1/2024