What is Homebound Delivery Services?

The North Kingstown Free Library offers free delivery of books and other library materials to residents who are unable to visit the library in person.  A library card will be issued to residents who do not already have one.


Who is eligible to receive this service?

North Kingstown residents of any age who are confined to their homes either temporarily, due to illness or accidents, or permanently, due to disability, age, or other mobility issues are eligible for homebound delivery. Services may also be extended to the in-home caregiver of a homebound patron. Service to assisted living and rehabilitation centers is not available at this time.


How does delivery work?

Library materials will be delivered to a patron's residence by a library staff member.  Delivery will be scheduled at the mutual convenience of staff and patron, generally once a month. Materials will be checked out to the patron for one month.


What items can I request?

Books, audiobooks, DVDs, Blu-Rays, music CDs, magazines, and many other materials are available at the library to check out. Please note that only materials owned by the North Kingstown Free Library are available for this service.


How do I make my selections?

Contact Nancy Nadeau, Fiction Coordinator, at 401-294-3306 x 128 or nnadeau@nklibrary.org, and she will assist you in making selections based on your reading preferences and/or the items you have specifically requested. Please let staff know if you have visual or hearing difficulties.   


How do I register for this service?

If you or someone you know could benefit from receiving home delivery, please call the library at 401-294-3306 x128 or email Nancy at nnadeau@nklibrary.org.