When you want the latest on your favorite author or you're looking for a review to see if that new author you heard about is worth reading, browse through this list of links.

Amazon.com - Amazon.com, one of the largest booksellers on the web, has created an easily searchable interface that allows users to find book reviews quickly and easily

Bookpage - the online version of BookPage, a monthly book review.

Bookreporter - contains features, reviews and book excerpts.

Boston Globe Online - Book Reviews - book reviews by staff members of the Boston Globe

MostlyFiction.com - Devoted to book reviews in various genres. Nicely organized and updated regularly.

New York Review of Books - the online version of the New York Review of Books

New York Times - Books (Daily News & Reviews) - (registration required) Read the Daily News & Reviews page, or search for a past review.


Bestseller Site

USA Today - This bestseller list is based on a computer analysis of retail book sales from approximately 3,000 large-inventory, diverse content bookstores nationwide.


Updated 8/19/2021